Brand new offerings alongside staple items will keep you fed this winter at Mt Buller

AFTER 17 seasons and two renovations, Buller Grocer has refurbished yet again – this time by upgrading and expanding its refrigerated offerings by nearly 50 per cent.

This season, customers can look forward to 30 per cent more butcher options, triple the lunch time grab and go items including handmade sushi, which is delivered daily, salads and sandwiches, as well as fresh bakery items and a ton of additional heat and serve meal options.

"We have been wanting to expand our meal and fresh food range for years," owner Tina Reddrop said.

"Unfortunately, between COVID, seasons and our tight space configuration, this expansion has remained on the 'wish list'."

Locally owned refrigeration company, MB Group, were able to source, deliver and install the additional five refrigeration cases which are low charge, high efficiency.

In addition to the refrigeration capacity, the store has doubled its baking capacity and installed a 'Hot Box' for quick, take away snacks.

Store Managers Adam Kupke and Kayla Morton have been busily sourcing the additional product ranges and are looking forward to seeing you on the mountain this season.

So, for all your food needs at Mt Buller this winter, visit Buller Grocer.

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